Welcome to the Travellog

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Welcome to the redesigned travel log of Iain and Jill.

We have redesigned the look of this website for our up and coming holiday in Thailand. For those of you who are not aware, we will be spending the month of November 2007 soaking up the sun and warm temperatures in Thailand.

This site will be where we will let you know what we have been up to. With a bit of luck we will update this site at least once per week, but that is always a bit hard to guarantee.

As before, we have no fixed plans as to where we will visit or where we will stay so you will have to keep tabs on this site to see where we have been.

Feel free to leave us messages following the links in the navigation bar. Only Jill and I will be able to read them so we look forward to hearing from you.

The last time we posted to this site was on 13-12-2007 and at that time we were in Wrokgin